The State Bushfire Advisory Council (the Advisory Council) was established under section 24 of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1998 to provide advice to the Minister for Emergency Services and the Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner, on bushfire management in Western Australia. The establishment of the Advisory Council is part of a package of structural improvements to the way bushfire is managed in the State. It is one of several State Government bushfire management reforms including the establishment of a Rural Fire Division and a Bushfire Centre of Excellence.
The Advisory Council will bring together skills, knowledge and practical experience from across the bushfire management sector, including State agencies, local governments, private organisations, volunteers and communities, to support high quality, credible decision making by the State Government in order to improve bushfire management outcomes for all Western Australian communities. The Advisory Council includes two community representatives, both of whom are involved in bushfire management through volunteering, community engagement and local government. A list of the agencies and groups represented is below.
SBAC Membership:
The Advisory Council will meet quarterly and will be responsible for providing strategic advice and recommendations to the Minister for Emergency Services, the Honourable Francis Logan MLA, and Fire and Emergency Services Commissioner Darren Klemm AFSM.