Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1992 (FOI Act) gives every person the right to seek access to documents held by government agencies. Documents may comprise written material, plans and drawings, photographs, tape recording, films, videotapes or information stored in a computerised form.

DFES aims to make information available promptly and at the least possible cost to the applicant. Whenever possible, documents will be provided outside the FOI process. If information is not routinely available, the FOI Act 1992 provides the general public with the right to apply for documents held by DFES and enables the public to ensure that personal information in documents is accurate, complete, up to date and not misleading. For more information about access to information held by DFES please refer to the 2020/2021- DFES- Information-Statement (PDF - 1.19MB).

Applications to either gain access to a document, amend personal information or have previous FOI decision regarding access to, or amendment of, a document reviewed have to:

  • be in writing;
  • give enough information so that the documents requested can be identified;
  • give an Australian address to which notices can be sent; and
  • be lodged at DFES with any application fee payable.

Applications will be acknowledged in writing and the applicant will be notified of the decision which will be made within 45 days. However, DFES makes every effort to notify the applicant of the decision before the end of the permitted period.

Download the application access form (PDF 172KB)

How to lodge your application

  • Submit in Person

    FOI Coordinator

    The Department of Fire & Emergency Service

    Ground Floor, 20 Stockton Bend, Cockburn Central WA 6164

  • Submit by mail

    FOI Coordinator
    PO Box 1174
    Perth WA 6844

  • Submit by email

Fees and Charges

Personal Information (about you personally)

Free (no application fee)

Non-Personal Information Only

$30 application fee
$30 per hour of staff time
$0.20 per photocopy
$0.60 per photograph

For impecunious applicants or those issued with a prescribed pensioner concession cards, the charge payable is reduced by 25%.